Breast Oncology Center


1. Academic leader

Xiaohua Zeng, Male, ChiefPhysician, Post doctorate, Master Tutor, Third level professor, Expert onspecial grants from the Government of Chongqing, One of the outstanding youngand middle-aged experts in Chongqing, Famous doctor in shapingba district, High-endmedical talents in Chongqing. Worked in breast surgery for nearly 27 years, In2014, went to Luisenkrankenhaus Dusseldorf, Germany's largest breast center, tostudy breast reconstruction. Served in 11 authoritative association academicgroups at home and abroad. Published more than 30 papers in core journals athome and abroad by the first author and/or corresponding author, including 6SCI papers, with the highest impact factor of 6.627 for a single paper. Hispaper “Co-expression of multiple atypical chemokine conjugates in breast cancerand synergistic antitumor effect” won the first prize at the 10th NationalBreast Cancer Congress and the 4th Shanghai International Breast Cancer Forum.In 2018, he was awarded the project of improving the clinical ability of thediscipline by the National Health Commission, and received 1 million yuan forthe development and construction of the discipline. As principal investigator,he has won 8 provincial, ministerial, departmental and bureau level as well asinstitute level projects , with a total scientific research fund of 1 millionyuan. He won two third prizes for Medical Scientific and TechnologicalAchievements and Progress Award by Chongqing Health Commission as the principalinvestigator. He has edited, co-edited 4 works, and holds 13 national patents.


Xu Faliang, MedicalDoctor, Chief Physician, Master's Student Supervisor, Vice Director of BreastCancer Center, Chongqing University Cancer Hospital, specializing incomprehensive treatment of Breast cancer.

ZHOU XIN, M.D. PhD,Chief Physician, Supervisor of Master Student Deputy Director of Breast CancerCenter of Chongqing University Cancer Hospital Member of the Junior Committee of Chinese Society of Oncology of ChinaMedical Association Member of the Breast Cancer Committee of Cancer Branch ofChongqing Medical Association  Visiting Scholar in European Breast Center of Düsseldorf in Germany.

Zheng Xiaodong, ph.D, Master Tutor, chiefphysician of Cancer Hospital Affiliated to Chongqing University, seniorresearcher of European (German) breast center, is good at precise comprehensivetreatment of breast cancer, complex radical surgery, breast conserving andbreast plastic surgery.

Li Wei, male, deputy chief physician, medicaldoctor, master tutor, visiting scholar of the European Breast Center, presidedover 5 provincial and ministerial and departmental level projects, andpublished 4 SCI papers.

Shao Qing, female, M.D., Attendingphysician, engaged in clinical work and basic research related to breastcancer, mainly specializing in the diagnosis and medical treatment of breasttumors.

Ningning Zhang, MD, Attending physician,Engaged in clinical and basic research of breast cancer, Participated in thecompilation or translation of 3 monographs on oncology, Published more than 10academic papers.

3.Research areas

In order to further expand the regionalinfluence of the center, and make use of the advantages of the specialty toachieve long-term and sustainable development, through summarizing thedevelopment of the department in the past 10 years, basically three mainresearch directions have been formed:

(1)Research on the application of newtechnology of breast plastic repair in breast cancer

(2)Precision Medicine on standardization andwhole-course in breast cancer

(3)Construction and regulation of analysisplatform for integrated data of breast cancer

4.Research achievements

In the past 5 years, theteam has published more than 80 papers such as SCI 20 papers,won 7 patents, won7 national invention patents, 23 utility model patents, participated informulating 1 expert consensus on breast cancer,and won one of first prize andone of third prize of Science and technology progress of Chongqing MunicipalHealth Commission, won one of second prize and one of third prize of Scienceand technology of Chongqing Municipal People's Government, 5 books aseditor-in-chief or associate editor-in-chief.