Cancer Radiotherapy Centre


1. Academic leader

Wang,Donglin, male,professor, chief physician, doctor of medicine, doctoral supervisor; directorof oncology department of Chongqing University Cancer Hospital, chief expert ofcolorectal cancer, reserve candidate of academic technology leader of Chongqing.Engaged in the clinical work of oncology for many years, specializing in thechemotherapy of malignant tumors and tumor molecular targeted therapy,especially in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, lung cancer, gastriccancer and other malignant tumors have deep attainments. He has won 7 nationalnatural science foundations and several provincial and ministerial scientificresearch projects, one second prize for scientific and technological progressin the army, one second prize for science and technology bureau of chongqing,one editor-in-chief, more than 70 academic papers such as SCI and national corejournals, and has undertaken more than 20 international and domesticmulti-center drug clinical trials.

Xiangying, male,Master tutor, level 3 Professor, chief expert of lymphoma MDT. National memberof lymphoma Committee of China Anti Cancer Association, national member of CSCOAnti Lymphoma Alliance, leader of lymphoma group of hematology specialcommittee of Chongqing Medical Association, vice chairman of four branches ofhematology special committee of Chongqing Medical Association. Good atlymphoma, multiple myeloma, lung cancer and other malignant tumors diagnosisand chemotherapy, targeted biotherapy and other multidisciplinary treatment. Hehas worked as foreign aid oncological expert for 2 years and studied in HarvardMedical School for a short time. He participated in national projects. As theproject leader, he has completed 3 provincial and ministerial level researchand general scientific research projects, 1 provincial and ministerial levelresearch project, 4 municipal and bureau level research projects, edited aseries of popular science books, 3 textbooks and academic monographs, won 1national invention patent, and published more than 60 medical papers includingSCI papers.

Yu, Huiqing. MasterTutor, Chief Physician, director of Palliative1 Care Department and CancerNutrition Center, Chongqing University Cancer Hospital,  innovative Leaders of Chongqing.Engaged inmalignant tumor treatment for more than 30 years, specializing in Lung Cancer、Colorectal Cancer、Gastric cancer、Liver cancer、Lymphoma andespecially in Chemotherapy、TargetedTherapy、Immunotherapy、Cancer Pain、Metabolic Regulationof Cancer、Cancer Nutritionand so on. She has presided over 4 provincial-level scientific research projects, 2 Projects of Appropriatesanitary technology in Chongqing, two municipal-level continuing educationprojects, published many academic papers at home and abroad such as SCI, andedited one book.


Li,dairong, female,chief physician, m.d., master tutor, deputy director of oncology department of ChongqingUniversity Cancer Hospital, high-end medical talent of chongqing, visitingscholar of ohio state university, usa. Engaged in comprehensive treatment ofcancer for more than 20 years, specializing in the diagnosis and comprehensivetreatment of various malignant tumors and clinical trials of tumor drugs,especially the chemotherapy of solid tumors such as lung cancer, biologicaltargeted immunotherapy and comprehensive treatment of advanced tumors. As theproject leader and principal researcher participated in many national andprovincial level scientific research projects, published SCI and other academicpapers more than 20.

Ma,Huiwen, female,master's degree graduate student, is currently the teaching director ofoncology department in the affiliated Chongqing University Cancer Hospital,engaged in clinical work of oncology department for more than 20 years,specializing in the diagnosis and comprehensive treatment of lung cancer, bowelcancer, soft tissue malignant tumor, gastric cancer and breast cancer. He haspublished many articles in Journal of Third Military Medical University,Chongqing Medicine, Laboratory Medicine and Clinical Medicine, Chinese Journalof Cancer Biotherapy, Oncology Pharmacy, Oncotargets and therapy》, etc. He presidedover or participated in many scientific research projects in the NationalNatural Science Foundation of China and Chongqing Municipality.

Wang,Jianghong, female,Master of Medicine, Chief Physician, Department of Oncology, Affiliated ChongqingUniversity Cancer Hospital, Third Class Professor, Master's supervisor. Good atscreening early cancer of respiratory tract, digestive tract and endoscopictumor interventional therapy; chemotherapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapyof solid tumors such as respiratory tract and digestive tract have morein-depth research.

Long,Jianlin, male, chiefphysician, MD, engaged in oncology clinical work for more than 20 years,long-term engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors, such aslung cancer, gastroesophageal cancer, colorectal cancer, head and neck tumors, radiotherapyand chemotherapy, molecular targeting, immunotherapy and the treatment of commonadverse treatment reactions. The main research direction is drug delivery ofnano-biomaterials, which target tumor microenvironment and then regulate tumorimmune microenvironment. He presided over a project of Chongqing NaturalScience Foundation, participated in a project of the Youth Fund of the NationalNatural Science Foundation of China, and published more than 10 academic papersin SCI and core journals.

Nanyingyu, female,chief physician, deputy director of hematological oncology department of CancerHospital Affiliated to Chongqing University, has been engaged in clinical,teaching and scientific research of oncology for nearly 30 years, Good atdiagnosis and treatment of Hematology diseases such as lymphoma and multiplemyeloma.

Liqiying, female,chief physician, Good at the diagnosis of lymphoma, multiple myeloma, lungcancer, gastrointestinal cancer and other malignant tumors, as well aschemotherapy, targeted biotherapy and other multidisciplinary treatment.

Yangtao,male, Doctor,associate chief physician, has been engaged in the clinical work of oncologydepartment for 20 years. He has worked as foreign aid oncological expert for 2years and good at standard chemotherapy, cellular immunotherapy and moleculartargeted therapy for common blood tumors such as lymphoma and multiple myeloma.

Wang Sixiong,Associate Chief Physician, Ph.D., had won a third prize for military scientificand technological progress. He is good at comprehensive medical treatment ofmalignant tumors, such as lung cancer, gastric cancer, esophageal cancer,colorectal cancer, and lymphoma, especially in Chemotherapy、Targeted Therapy、Immunotherapy、Cancer Pain.

Wang Enwen, associateChief Physician, Ph.D., was engaged in postdoctoral research work atMassachusetts General Hospital of Harvard Medical School, good at comprehensivediagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors such as the molecular targetedtherapy, immunotherapy, chemotherapy, palliative symptomatic treatment of lungcancer, melanoma and colorectal cancer.

Tian Ling, attendingphysician, secretary of Palliative1 Care Department, Chongqing UniversityCancer Hospital, engaged in oncology for more than ten years. She has richclinical experience, good at diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer andcolorectal cancer, and also rich in pain treatment and nutrition treatment ofmalignant tumor.

Zhang Dan, attendingphysician, research assistant of Palliative1 Care Department, ChongqingUniversity Cancer Hospital, hosted one National Natural Science Foundation YouthFund project and one Chongqing Natural Science Foundation project, specializingin chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy for gastrointestinaltumors.

3. Research areas

(1) Tumor stem cellsto chemoradiotherapy sensitivity research, circulating tumor cells and tumormetastasis mechanism research, lung cancer molecular targeted therapy clinicaland basic research, have related research projects support, total researchfunds over 6.3 million.

(2) Large samplebased gene detection panel, through the evaluation of the correlation betweenthe genotyping results of patients and ORR, OS, screening of mutation genes ormutation areas related to the prognosis of lymphoma, establishing lymphomagenotyping model, finding new risk stratification markers, guiding the overallclinical medication, and providing more accurate individualized treatment andprognosis judgment for lymphoma patients, the project is supported by ChongqingNatural Science Foundation.

Cellularimmunotherapy has been carried out for more than 10 years. In recent years, asone of the most advanced immunotherapy methods for tumor autogenous cells,CAR-T cell therapy has been mainly focused. At present, CAR-T cell therapy hasachieved remarkable results in the recurrence of refractory acute lymphoblasticleukemia, B-cell lymphoma, multiple myeloma and other blood tumors. Thedevelopment of car-t therapy can bring new ways and hopes for the treatment oflymphoma and myeloma. We have carried out 3 CAR-T clinical trials andaccumulated rich clinical experiences.

(3)The applicationand development of early palliative treatment of malignant tumors in the era ofprecision therapy. The research is based on the "WARM" model of earlypalliative treatment technology, forming 3 research areas: precision anti-tumortreatment and early palliative treatment, full management of cancer pain,metabolic regulation of cancer and personalized nutrition support.

4. Researchachievements

Oncology InternalMedicine team has won 39 projects in recent years, including the NationalNatural Science Foundation of China and the Chongqing Science and TechnologyCommission, and published more than 100 papers, of which more than 50 is responsible for more than 20 international and domestic multi-centerdrug clinical trials and has won one second prize for scientific andtechnological progress in Chongqing and one second prize for scientific andtechnological progress in the army.

HematologicalOncology team has published more than 90 papers in recent years, including 19SCI papers, 18 CSCD papers, authorized 6 national invention patents, undertook11 medical projects, including 5 Municipal Health Bureau, 3 Municipal Scienceand Technology Commission, and edited 9 books as editor in chief or deputyeditor in chief.

Palliative Care teamhas published more than 10 SCI papers in 2 years, edited one book, participatedin the compilation of tumor prevention science popularization series, presidedover 12 scientific research projects, including 2 Chongqing Natural Science Foundation,1 National Cancer Center climbing fund, 2 Chongqing talent project.