Chongqing Oncology Clinical Medical ResearchCenter


Chongqing OncologyClinical Medical Research Center relies on Chongqing Key Laboratory for TumorMetastasis and Individualized Diagnosis and Treatment Transformation Research,National Drug Clinical Trial Institutions, and is consisted of the experimentcenter (molecular biological testing room, biological cell culture room, animalmodel room and drug metabolism testing room with a variety of instruments andequipment with a total number of more than 290 sets and value over 25.5 millionyuan from basic cell culture, molecular detection to clinical testing ),clinical research network data center (biological sample database, clinicalinformation database), clinical research technology management center(including new drug GCP platform and clinical epidemiology).

The Center aims to build adiscipline group system, and has set up a teaching and research section,consisting of professional departments, in order to facilitate thecross-integration and specialized development of various disciplines. Atpresent, the Center has established one Key Discipline approved by NationalAdministration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 4 Municipal Key Disciplines,eight Municipal Key Clinical Disciplines, three Municipal SpecialtyDisciplines, and two Municipal Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment Center. Adiscipline group has gradually been constructed with key advantages in tumorstudies, and a series of specialty areas that boast the Center's reputation for"Brand disciplines, Key disciplines, Superior disciplines, Fundamentaldisciplines, and new Cross disciplines".