Position: Chongqing University Cancer Hospital NewsDetail

The International Training Course on Breast Cancer Prevention and Treatment Course in South Pacific Island Country was Successfully Concluded

Datetime:2024-07-04    Author: Research and Foreign Affairs Department     Photographer: Taijie Li

On July 4, 2024, the completion ceremony of the "2023 Technical Training Program for Developing Countries of the Ministry of Science and Technology - South Pacific breast cancer Prevention and Treatment Technology International Training Program" organized by the Chongqing University Cancer Hospital was held in the international academic conference hall of the hospital. Wu Yongzhong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Chongqing University Cancer Hospital, and Wang Ying, Vice Dean, attended the ceremony and delivered speeches. More than 180 people, including department heads, all teaching staff, and 20 students from Papua New Guinea, attended the graduation ceremony. Zhang Yunyun, Director of the Research and Foreign Affairs Department of Chongqing University Cancer Hospital, presided over the ceremony.

Zhang Yunyun, Director of the Research and Foreign Affairs Department, briefly reported on the progress of the training course from the aspects of background objectives, pre training preparations, teaching during the training period, and daily management.

Waine, on behalf of all PNG students, expressed his gratitude to the organizer, shared his experience and gains in this seminar, and introduced the incidence, diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer in PNG. It is hoped that the two sides will further deepen friendship and continue cooperation in human resources training and capacity building for breast cancer management.

Vice Dean Wang Ying congratulated the successful graduates in her speech. She mentioned that the theme of this training course is prominent, the content is rich, the organization is in place, and the training results are remarkable. The students have improved their professional skills, strengthened communication, enhanced friendship, and laid a solid foundation for further cooperation and communication between the two sides in the future. We hope that both parties can carry out deeper cooperation in international patient treatment, medical research, and medical personnel training.

At the graduation ceremony, Secretary Wu Yongzhong and Vice Dean Wang Ying presented graduation certificates to the students. Gift exchange and group photo was taken on site.